Thursday, May 15, 2008

McDonald County Candidates

Six weeks prior to May 15th I mailed the above questions to all Twenty-Seven Candidates who filed for office in McDonald County Missouri. Below is a list of those who did not respond.
For Office of Assessor:
Laura Pope; Paul Sprenkle
For Office of Coroner:
Tracy Down; BJ Goodwin III; Doc Halverson
For Office of Eastern Commissoner:
Loren Garren;Sam Gaskill; Beverly Longnecker;Scott Sanders; Joe Stephens; Darrell Watson
For Office of Public Administrator:
Joyce Cruikshank;Donna Underwood
For Office of Sheriff:
John Bunch; Luap Mckeever; Iven Russell; Jeff Sutherland; Gregg Sweeten
For Office of Surveryor:
Travis Green
For Office of Western Commissoner:
Gayle Brock; Paul Gardner; Ronald Walker
The questions I personally have of the non-responders are:
1. Do you not believe the citizens of McDonald County deserve a response?
2. Do you believe that political cronies will get you elected and not the people?
3. Are these simple questions too confusing?
4. Do you hold the "ordinary" citizens in such contempt that you refuse to respond?
This statement is my own and does not reflect the views of any candidate, policital party, or organization.
I would like to express my appreciation to the patriotic candidates who did respond.

Monday, May 12, 2008

McDonald Co. Candidates

Eastern Commissioner: Clarence "Bud" Scott

l. It was founded as a Republic. A Republic is headed by a President and not a King. A Republic is suppose to take in concern all the people. A Democracy is to rule by the majority.
2. I have seen issues brought in the county that are not in the best interest of most of the county as proven by how they vote.
3. I have 36 years in the Construction Industry with over 20 years in Supervising men and women. In Supervising, you not only have personnel but you hve to help manage the budget for the project.
4. Yes. As long as the training does not put them under Federal Jurisdiction. They need the training but they still need to be controlled by the Sheriff's Department.
5. I think having the Sheriff's Dept. come under Civil Service would keep a more professional force that would be committted to the County. As for a Civil Service Commission, I think it would need to be an elected, not for pay position so that it does not become another "good ole boys" club.
6. At present the county budget has increased 8 times in size in the last seven years. The population has not increased that much. I know overall it costs more for everything but not that much. We need to look at all the departments to make sure we don't have excess personnel. When we spend money we need to make sure we are getting what we need and not something we just want. When we do something with the roads we need to do the work so that it lasts. If it takes a few more years to get our roads, Chip and Sealed, so be it. We need to evaluate all employees' of the County to be sure we have the best for the money that we can pay as a County.
7. The answer is No. If any business wants to build in our County, they see where it will benefit them so they will include in their budget any Red Light hat will help them.
Question for All Candidates- Bud Scott
1. Yes. I still refer back to them on some questions.
2. Yes. If there is something that I don't agree with, I would go to the body of Government that has the power to change to ask for help.
3. Yes. With our present Federal Government all the Amendments have ways around them. It is not right but it will take a unified people to change it.
4. Yes. Without exception how it was originally wrote.
5. Yes. If they are already a law. If the law is not a good one, then we need to get it changed.
6. Yes. It is costing our country more than just money. It is costing us our freedom because of new laws to control them in effect controls all of us.
7. Yes. It disrupts family and community welfare.
8. To survive in todays economy every one needs to pull together.
9. Yes. The County Government needs to remember who voted them in to do for them and not the State or Federal Government.
10. No. The way it was stated it was a new tax that would be with us forever.
11. Yes. If it is something that really is needed not jsut wanted it needs to be presented so the taxpayes will approve it.
12. B. Less Government D. Less Taxes Overall people want the County Government tow work for everyone and not a selected few. People object to more government if everyone is not on an even playing field.
13. No. They need to know their County citizens so they can spread work to incompass everyone.
14. You can't put everything on the ballot because of the cost for each and every election. You could put on the ballot a one time issue to set a standard percent raise based on true cost of living. (The percentage the Social Security uses.)
15. It needs to be made what is considered a large expentiture that is not part of the standard budget for the County. When you elect your County Commissoners you need to remeber you put them in charge of your money.
16. It belongs to the government that you elected to take care of it for you.
17. You need to remeber that grant money is in reality your money controlled by who you voted into office. There are always strings attached to them so you need to let your conscience be your guide.
18. Yes. You need 3 people there all the time.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

McDonald County Candidates

Sheriff Postion- Tom Coble
Answers to Sheriff questions:
1. Republic. Democracy is majority rule/Republic is by the people for the people.
2. 20 yrs. service, about 7 yrs Asst Chief
3. To help the people, and to put the Sheriff Department and the City Police Department together.
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. This is a maybe
7. BDU's and camoflage out in the woods or survalance, boots o.k., black jeans and dress uniforms
8. I would fix it to have coffee through me or the Dept. No lunches
9. Reserves payed when they work and try to get better pay and benefits for officers that are full time.
All Candidates questions.
1. yes
2. entireity
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes
6. yes
7. yes
8. yes
9. yes
10. No, I don't think we need it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

McDonald County Candidates

Milton Wolf: Answers to Western Commissoner Questions
1. A Representatiave Republic. Our Reps make decisions for us. A true Democracy elects leaders by majority rule.
2. I can do the job and no one is better qualified.
3. I have operated my own business w/o government assistance.I worked in the office equipment and supply business for 35 years. For 10 years I owned a office furniture and design firm in Joplin. Served on Joplin City Council. I served the city of Noel, MO. for 8 years as Firefighter, Fire Chief, Fire Commissioner, Emergency Management Director, Flood Plain Manager, Building Inspector, City Engineer, and Deputy City Clerk.
I attended Joplin High School and Missouri Southern State College (now MSSU).I served 5 years in the 203rd battallion MoNg and 4 years in the USAF Stragetic Air Command 340th bomb wing.
4. I would take a long, hard look at the program, its costs and the Federal Govenment involvement.
5. It sounds like a good idea, but I will have to check into the cost and benefits for the tax payer. Can a 3rd/4th class county do this?
6. I have no axe to grind and not plan to make operations changes. I will have to take some time to review all phases of operations.
7. There is already a red light on the road next to Wal-mart at 71 highway.